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Liaoning Chaohua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd


Carry forward the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and

inherit the essence of traditional Chinese Medicine

Tel:+86-421-7186888    +86-421-7186048     +86-186-4214-8881

Add: No.112, section 4, Heping Street, Shuangta District, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

Website    辽ICP备20010554号-1






Attract investment

Attract investment



Recruiting managers of the third terminal control and marketing office in cities and counties of Liaoning Province

Recruiting managers of the third terminal control and marketing office in cities and counties of Liaoning Province

Release time:
2020-03-12 09:21
Our company has a perfect salary incentive system, a perfect training system, and enjoys various company benefits after joining the company.